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More about us, the project, and why we created it

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically transformed our lives and work. Most companies have been forced to start working remotely and many of them struggle with adapting to this process.

Being a remote-friendly studio for 5+ years, we have decided to contribute to the topic by collecting useful resources from all around the web.

Mode Remote is a side project by Oblik Studio that has 200+ categorized links to articles, books, tools, and more. In the Quick Start Guide, we have summarized the basics of productive remote work. Also, we asked inspiring professionals from various industries about the way they handle it. You can contribute too!

The website is based on our beloved Kirby, "the CMS that adapts to any project" (it really does). Additionally, all illustrations on the site were made by us and will soon be available for free use!

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We are open to your feedback and ideas on how to make the project more useful. Get in touch at